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former intern | Summer Money Mentor

Trenati baker

Whitney M. Young Magnet High School Class of 2016

Amherst College Class of 2020, Black Studies and Political Science


Trenati is a graduate from Amherst College who majored in Black Studies and Political Science. She grew up on the SouthSide of Chicago in the Marquette Park neighborhood and attended Whitney M. Young Magnet HS. Trenati is passionate about social justice and racial equity. She spends her freetime choreographing and dancing, and she loves writing about financial literacy to empower youth from backgrounds like her to be financially liberated and motivated towards world changing and social impact.

Explore Trenati's Articles

Data on a Touch Pad

Services Pipeline Career Conference

Fall 2020

There is a lack of diversity within the finance industry. This article is about the Financial Service Pipeline Initiative---namely, the work they are doing to increase the representation of Black, Latino, and female professionals within the finance sector.

Packed Meal

Money Smart Meal Planning

Spring 2016

Eating out can be expensive. Effective meal planning is an essential practice that allows one to save money and can help individuals lose weight.

Team Meeting

High Paying Non-College Career Options: Vocations & Entrepreneurs

Spring 2016

Many young people feel like they must attend college in order to be successful. However, where does that leave students who do not want to go to college or fear that it is not a good fit? 

Calculate Savings

It’s As Easy as 1, 2, 3: Apply! Save! Budget!

Spring 2016

Ever find it hard to start money management? These three simple steps of applying for scholarships, saving, and budgeting can help students manage their funds.

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